
Our 28+ years thus far in the mobile restroom industry has been very rewarding. Our previous company’s expertise and professionalism led us to be involved in such events / places as; The White House, Vice President’s Residence, Embassy row, Vanity Fair Party, Donald Rumsfeld’s residence, The Marine Core Marathon, Army 10 Miler, Avon Breast Cancer walk, and numerous other.

Over the years we have traveled to various Florida destinations and are now thrilled to be setting roots in Sarasota area with the start of Tailored Thornes, Inc. The selling of our previous business in the DC Metro Area gave us the opportunity to fulfill a dream of living in Florida. Our 3 daughters, 2 in college and one in high school are equally excited about the transition. After 2 decades in the DC Metro area, we are looking forward to providing this same expertise and knowledge of the restroom trailer industry to Western Florida, Orlando, and surrounding areas. With Vince leading operations and Val managing marketing/sales Tailored Thrones will be built on strong core values of consistently delivering quality restroom trailers and friendly customer service.

owners restroom trailer clearwater